Friday, May 25, 2007


Here we are.... I meant to leave a couple of days ago, but the flights did not look good, so here I am, stuck in Cannes! I have to suffer through the beautiful vistas and gorgeous crowds a few hours more. In these extra days, I have given my film DVDs out to 3 more short film distributors- for a total of 5. Out of those five, I have one clear favorite who I am hoping will contact me after viewing the film and offer something. Or maybe they could all offer me some kind of non exclusive...? They're swamped and promised to get back to me in a few days. So in the meantime, I also checked out a couple of people on IMDB- and the producer who wants to read my script is not someone with any big credits. This has made me think quite a bit about pitching strategies.
These last couple days have also been great for meeting people, and yet even more surreal Cannes experiences.
The other night, behind the Grand hotel, Kartik and I took a little shuttle up into the hills to a huge party villa called the MINT- a mansion surrounded by lush landscaping, swimming pool, video screens everywhere. Partiers, who were mostly 40 year old rich men and expensively dressed young models, were diving into the pool fully clothed...
there were some interesting particulars and some real characters . . . we got fed up with it and went back to a giant street gathering outside of the Petite Majestic where we met up with some of our friends.
Walking up and down the Croisette, the beachfront strip with all the hotels and the Palais, is interesting... although there are lots of women essentially dressed like prostitutes, there are also many women in the most stunning dresses and outfits I've ever seen. Its really a sight to behold. There are also a fair amount of normal people like us! And lots of ferraris. I was almost run down by a black ferrari crossing the street late the other night- the guy was so far away I thought I was fine, and then he hit the gas flying towards me- those things must go zero to 100 in like 4 seconds.

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